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What is the ATO Div 7A benchmark interest rate?

From 1 July 2023 (for 2023-24), the benchmark interest rate is 8.27%, The benchmark interest rate for Div 7A complying loans has been relatively stable for the past three years. For full details of historical benchmark interest rates and related information see ATO Div 7A Benchmark Interest Rate.

What is a Division 7A benchmark interest rate?

The Division 7A benchmark interest rate for an income year is the ‘indicator lending rates – bank variable housing loans interest rate’ last published by the Reserve Bank of Australia before the start of the income year.

What is a benchmark interest rate?

The benchmark interest rate is the Housing loans; Banks; Variable; Standard; Owner-occupier’ interest rate last published by the Reserve Bank of Australia before the start of the financial year. This generally means the rate for the month of May, which is usually published around the first week of June.

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